
Disco Fever Catches On Around Campus

Discomania reigns at Harvard.

So far this year a sign-up sheet for lessons in Dunster House stretched to four pages, a freshman disco dancing clinic drew 800 to 1000 students to the Union, and Harvard Student Agencies (HSA) may start a dance program of its own.

Jim Chou '79 has organized a disco dance clinic for the Dunster House Committee. The course will include guest lecturers and field trips.

Yowsah, Yowsah

Chou and two other seniors run a second disco enterprise, which produces parties complete with disc jockey music, a sound system, and a light show.


During Freshman Week the Crimson Key Society also held a disco dance and clinic for the incoming students. Organizer Susan Kisch '80 said "It was an absolute success--people had a blast."


Kisch is currently helping to organize a Lowell House disco seminar, tentatively scheduled for later this month.

HSA hopes to cash in on the craze by developing a course of its own in the neat future. Mark Battey '81, an HSA spokesman, said yesterday.

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