
Perked Coffee Machines Ease Exam Blues in Three Houses

The new coffee percolator installed over Chistmas vacation in the Quincy House dining hall is operating and those installed in Leverett and Winthrop House dining halls will be "operating soon," Frank J. Weissbecker, director of Harvard Food Services, said yesterday.

Brian R. Gilliam, a Quincy House tutor, said yesterday the new machine is "marvelous," adding that most of the Quincy House residents he had spoken to preferred the new brand of coffee over that of the old Minutemaid machines.

William K. Gerson '78 of Winthrop House said that the installation of the new machines was a "good idea," adding that he is "glad that drinkable coffee is around for the reading period."


According to managers of the three house dining halls, the machines will not be available for student use during nighttime study hours, although urns of coffee will be available to students.


Winthrop and Quincy House students petitioned last year for new coffee brewers.

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