
Group Says Towing Fees Set Illegally

A report released recently charges that Cambridge towing companies substantially overcharged customers-in 77 per cent of all surveyed cases of police-ordered towing.

The report by the Massachusetts Consumer Council also says that 12 per cent of polled violators towed for private property trespassing offenses were overbilled.

Pat's Tow Service, Ellery Garage and Chico's Tow Service, the three towing companies employed by the city of Cambridge, have "frequently failed to itemize bills properly," the report says.

The report also accuses the Cambridge police department of failing to maintain adequate records of towing fines.



The Department of Public Utilities (DPU), the Cambridge police department, and towing companies have "distributed inaccurate and misleading" information about towing fees, the report alleges. Robert J. Gaines, coordinator of the study, added that the information errors by the DPU and the police department were "probably unintentional."

The contract between the city of Cambridge and the towing companies involved has "reached its expiration date," although the contract is still honored by the city, the report says.

You Pays Your Money

Doris R. Pote, director of the study, said current towing regulations are complex, and people are often asked to pay for towing services they do not understand.

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