
Walzer Speaks On Democracy And Socialism

The goals of socialism can withstand disillusionment where the activism of the '60s failed, Michael L. Walzer, professor of Government, told a group of about 30 people at a meeting sponsored by the Harvard Democratic Socialists Organizing committee (DSOC) last night.

Walzer stressed the need to go beyond wellfarism and establish a participatory democracy which would extend into the economic as well as political life. "If socialism is impossible, no other kind of fraternity is possible," he said.

Harvard DSOC, originally formed by students working in the 1972 presidential campaign of Sen. George McGovern (D-S.D.), has participated in the J.P. Stevens boycott, and in political campaigns for Saundra Graham and Rep. Michael Harrington (D-Mass.), Rachel Dewey '78 president of DSOC's Harvard branch, said yesterday.

Dewey said Harvard DSOC, which now numbers fewer than 20 people, will try to organize students in support of a Democratic Socialist candidate for city council--David Sullivan--and will continue its work of the Stevens boycott.


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