
Putting Students in Their Places

Give 'em an Inch and They'll Take a Yard

If you look around Wigglesworth B-21 and start counting, you will find two book cases, four closets, four towel racks and four tooth-brush holders. There are three bedroom cubicles and a living room cluttered with unpacked boxes and randomly positioned furniture. Wigglesworth B-21, originally a triple, makes a reasonably comfortable quad. But this year five freshmen are living there.

Although this year's freshman class is no larger than last year's, it faces an overcrowding problem because of the housing changes that resulted from the Fox Plan. Under the plan, first implemented this fall, the entire freshman class now lives in the Yard.

No longer are some freshmen squeezed into small Quad doubles--those rooms are now singles for upperclassmen. Overflow sophomores from River Houses are no longer placed in Canaday Hall, which now only houses freshmen and is less crowded than in previous years, according to Ann B. Spence, assistant dean of the College.

But while crowding is reduced at the Quad and in Canaday, the price is increased crowding in other Yard dorms.

College-wide, there has been no significant change in the number of students living on-campus, and in terms of overall numbers the College is no more crowded than last year, Spence said. In fact, Spence added, there are slightly fewer upperclassmen in the Houses this year than last year.


But the distribution of students among the various housing facilities has changed, causing more crowding in some dormitories. Last year, approximately 240 freshmen lived in the three Quad Houses, and 27 lived in the one entry of Canaday not occupied by sophomores, Susan Lewis, assistant dean of freshmen, said last week. This year Canaday contains 207 freshmen, providing about 180 of the 240 additional beds needed accommodate that part of the freshmen class formerly housed at the Quad, Lewis said. To make up the difference, the College has placed 66 additional beds in the Yard.

Henry C. Moses, dean of freshmen, said yesterday he had received no complaints from freshmen concerning crowded living conditions. He said he knew of no plan to reduce the number of beds in the Yard for next year's freshman class. "The Yard situation is stable so far as I know," he said.

But not all freshmen are completely happy. In Wigglesworth, which has taken many of the extra beds, Jeff Goldstein '81 lives with three roommates in a suite that was once a double. Goldstein said Friday, "For such a high cost we've got such small rooms."

Another freshman, describing her triple-turned-quad, said coolly, "It's cozy."

Other freshmen contacted Friday did not seem to mind much at all. Justina K. Carlson '81, also a Wigglesworth resident, said, "There are more people in here this year than last year, but we don't mind." She added, "I've seen worse in other dorms and other schools." Carlson said having good roommates is more important than having a large room.

Julian Paolicchi '81 said Friday. "We shall all be great friends if we survive the eternal struggle for the seat in the bathroom."

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