
Entertainment listings for the week of July 8-14

James Cramer '77, who has been described as a "ruddy-faced, breathless Philadelphian" and who remains a living legend within The Crimson's portals, told me last November that I hadn't the least idea what miscellaneousness meant, and I stopped writing this column. For reasons beyond my control, however, I'm taking it up again--age doth not wither nor custom stale...

You can't miss this one: the Cambridge Articulture program, which is sponsoring all kinds of free events this summer, is holding a Senior Citizen's Picnic (featuring--really--a nightlight cabaret and/ or a Broadway revue). At 20 Concord Ave. at 2 p.m., Wednesday, July 13, free.

Seriously, the Riverbend Park will reappear this Sunday on the banks of the Charles, and it's worth meandering down to the river to watch all the Cantabrigians come out of the woodwork. Very nice and relaxing.

Other than that, I'd say hit the beaches.
