
Dorm Parties, Band Concert Replace 'Punch'

For the first time in more than 40 years, tea will not be served to summer school students every Wednesday afternoon on the steps of Memorial Church.

The "punches," which traditionally included informal musical performances, were a "grand old institution," but the decline in attendance in recent years indicated that the school's limited resources could be better directed elsewhere, Marshall Pihl, associate director of the Summer School, said yesterday.

Summer School officials have focused instead on several other activities and programs designed to meet the needs of more students, including weekend availability of Indoor Athletic Building facilities, Pihl said.

Beer Budget

In addition, each summer school proctor received an initial budget to cover the costs of dorm kick-off parties held last Tuesday, Pihl said, adding that his staff is still in the process of allocating money to proctors to use for further dorm activities.


David Shaa, dean of students at the Summer School who will make the final budgetary recommendations, said yesterday the Summer School may still invite students to perform on an informal basis in front of Widener Library on Wednesday afternoons. One band concert is also scheduled in the Yard for August 3.

By offering larger, more organized events, Summer School administrators hope to draw the kind of heavy turnout that will justify expenditures better than weekly teas, Pihl said.
