
Businessmen In Square Area Want Musicians

About 400 individuals and representatives of more than 100 businesses in the Square have signed petitions in support of performers' right to perform provided they do not obstruct pedestrian traffic.

Cambridge regulations about performers in the Square are rather unclear at the moment. City Councilor Barbara Ackermann said yesterday.

Two Jobs

Musicians and other performers are not clearly distinguished from street vendors and other panhandlers under the current regulations, she said.

The Cambridge City Council has asked the city manager to issue new regulations regarding performers. Ackermann said, adding that there will be a hearing on the question at the City Hall today at 6 p.m.


Robert P. Forbes and Elijah Wald, the two Cambridge residents who circulated the petition, said yesterday they plan to present it to the city council at its meeting tonight.

But Ackermann said she believes most people will be satisfied by the regulations that will be discussed at the hearing tomorrow.
