
1432 to Graduate Under Sunny Skies

As families, friends and alumni fill the Tercentenary Theatre today under mostly sunny skies predicted by the National Weather Service, 1432 seniors will attend Commencement exercises and later receive their diplomas at House luncheon ceremonies.

Members of the Class of '77--1007 men and 425 women--will join in the afternoon alumni procession back into the Yard after receiving their diplomas, to hear Rep. Barbara Jordan (D-Tex.) and President Bok address the Associated Harvard Alumni.

The 326th Commencement exercises will begin at 10 a.m. following a senior class chapel service which will be held at 9 a.m. in Memorial Church.

A total of 4336 degrees is expected to be awarded in all parts of the University today. The Harvard graduate schools will present degrees at noon ceremonies held at various Harvard and Radcliffe establishments.

In the graduating class, 190 members will graduate without honors. Summa cum laude degrees will be awarded to 53 graduates, 366 will receive magna cum laude degrees, and 371 will graduate cum laude. Cum laude honors for General Studies will be awarded to 441 seniors.


The Committee on Degrees in History and Literature awarded no summas and the Government Department awarded one this year.

Some of the seniors listening to the traditional English Disquisition presented by Robert Muler, and the Latin Oration, given by Stephen Chao, will be wearing white armbands this year. The bands, also a tradition for Harvard Commencement exercises, will be worn in protest of Harvard's holdings in American companies with South African investments.

In addition to the A.B. degrees presented by the University, six Bachelor of Science degrees will be conferred, five to Harvard seniors and one to a Radcliffe senior.

Portions of the Commencement program including the morning Commencement exercises and the afternoon speeches will be televised by WGBX, channel 44 in Boston.
