
International Students Plan Fete

The Harvard International Student Association is planning a June party for the 1700 international students in the University in honor of foreign students graduating from the college.

The association has invited Secretary of State Cyrus Vance, national security adviser Zbigniew Brzezinski, U.N. general secretary Kurt Waldheim, and Sen. Edward M. Kennedy '54 to speak at the event, which is scheduled for the second week in June.

Although all four have been invited, the association does not know who the speaker will be because none of the men has replied yet, Dr. Salim M. Walji, a research fellow in Surgery and a member of association's board said yesterday.

The party, to be held at the Harvard Club of Boston, will be either June 12 or 13, depending on the schedule of the keynote speaker, Walji added.

The fete is being subsidized by the deans of the different schools within the University enabling the students to attend without having to pay, Walji said, adding that the association hopes to raise enough money to allow the host parents of the students to also attend.


The Associated Harvard Alumni is footing the costs of mailing the 1700 invitations and helped the association reserve the Harvard Club for the event.
