
Pro-Breakfast Protest

The Mather House Council and the co-chairmen of the Dunster House Committee last night urged all residents of the two Houses to march to Leverett House for breakfast today at 8 a.m. to protest Dean Fox's decision to limit hot breakfasts to four Houses next year.

Leverett will be the closest dining hall serving hot breakfasts to Mather and Dunster Houses, which will offer only a continental breakfast.

"We're trying to show Fox that students are not going to accept this sitting down," William S. Friedman '79, treasurer of the Mather House Council, said yesterday, adding "We're the focal point of the issue, but it isn't just us we're concerned about--we want breakfast at all 12 Houses."

About 150 residents will march from Mather and Dunster Houses to Leverett Charles L. Diana '78, chairman of the council, predicted yesterday.

Supporters of the council action planned to personally contact a resident of each Mather House suite last night to encourage participation in the event, Diana said.
