
In Passing

No Adams Decision, Yet

The controversy over the fate of F. John Adams '66, lecturer on Music and choral director, remained unresolved this week.

After examining three candidates for a tenured position as senior lecturer in Music--including Adams--a student-faculty search committee found it was unable to recommend anyone for the post.

Dean Rosovsky--who had told students he would announce the decision on Adams this week--yesterday refused comment on the situation, but Archie C. Epps III, dean of students, said last night the search committee had not yet reached a decision and would meet again Saturday.

Barbara Jordan to Speak


The Associated Harvard Alumni announced this week that Rep. Barbara Jordan (D-Tex.) will speak to the assembled alumni during the Commencement exercises June 16.

Minority Admissions

Minority admissions--long a trouble spot at the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences (GSAS)--did not increase significantly this year at the GSAS.

However, GSAS minority recruitment officials said this week they are not terribly unhappy about the admissions statistics, because this year a greater percentage of the admitted minority students was recruited by GSAS officials.
