
Ruggers Face B-School, Come Away With a Split

The College and Business School rugby clubs squared off at Soldiers Field for two games yesterday and emerged drenched, drunk and with one win apiece.

In the first contest, the B-School A team rang up an 18-3 victory in a game that was actually closer than the score indicates.

Colin Walker gave the businessmen a 4-0 advantage late in the first half when he broke through a line-out and went ten yards for the try.

A 15-yd. penalty kick gave Dave Albala the opportunity to narrow the margin to 4-3, but a John Stuckey try followed by a Chris Bjelland conversion put the team from the other side of the river ahead 10-3.

B-Schoolers Kevin McDermit and Bill Schleyer splashed their way to tries in the second half, and the corporate leaders of tomorrow walked off the field with an 18-3 victory--then headed straight for the beer keg.


But a monopoly they did not have, as the undergrads put their opposition out of business in the B-team game with a 16-0 whitewash.

Blayne Heckel scored first when he picked a B-School kick out of the air and ran 35 yards for the try. Team captain Peter Hilton converted and Harvard took a 6-0 lead.

Forward Jim Tovey increased the advantage to 10-0 when he scored after a 20-yd. scrum movement. Heckel scored a second try, and Mark Heffner converted, before the game ended and the B teamers joined their clubmates at the then half-empty keg.

The split yesterday came after a pair of resounding triumphs for Harvard against Norwich University on Saturday.

Because of a schedule mix-up, the Crimson B squad played the Norwich A team. Even so, Harvard ran away to a 20-8 victory on the strength of tries by Mike Jemison, Mike Foust, Jim Miller and Steve Saxon, and two conversions off the foot of "Diamond" Jim Durham.

In the second game, the A squad took on Norwich's B team and built an 18-0 half-time cushion. The Crimson inserted most of the C team, and the final score stood at 22-0.
