
In Progress

Meandering Around the Core

The Faculty continued to discuss the recommentdation of the task force on core curriculum this week, and will discuss it further in future meetings.

The task force has recommended that the College replace its current General Education and distribution requirements with a series of core courses in eight areas that are far more specific than Nat Sci, Soc Sci and Hum.

Minority Recruiting

An ad hoc committee of minority students at the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences and the school administration mor moved closer to agreement in a Faculty Council discussion of the students' proposal for a revamped minority program last week, although the two groups still disagree on whether the minority recruite, must be a member of a minority group.


The Faculty Council will continue discussion of the issue in the next two weeks.

New Mood On Campus

The 15-member panel of freshmen that voted last month to end the six-year student boycott of the Committee on Rights and Responsibilities did not nominate anyone to the CRR at a panel meeting last week, but the reasons were pragmatic rather than ideological.

Although the freshmen have decided it is more effective to reform the CRR from inside the committee than through the traditional boycott, only six panel members showed up for the meeting Thursday night. So it still isn't clear what conditions, if any, the panel will attach to freshmen participation in the CRR, and won't be until the group's Tuesday meeting, when all 15 members may be present.
