
College Survey Results Show More Jobs for Class of 1977

Members of the Class of 1977, particularly those in technical disciplines, will apparently enjoy substantially more job opportunities than last year's college graduates, according to a recently released nationwide study.

The College Placement Council survey, based on data from 160 schools across the country, compares the number of job offers reported by early March this year with statistics from previous years.

Offers to Women Surge

Job offers for all college graduates jumped by 49 per cent over 1976, and the number of opportunities for women increased 68 per cent, the report shows.

Dena O. Rakoff, counselor in the Office of Career Service and Off-Campus Learning, said yesterday it is too early to assess the employment situation for this year's senior class.


Harvard does not begin its on-campus job interviews--the source of the council's survey--until February, five months after many other surveyed colleges, Jean Kessler of the College Placement Council said yesterday.

The increase in job opportunities, which was apparent in virtually all job areas, may be the result both of the nation's gradually improving economic climate and of moves by businesses to fill positions left vacant during the recent recession, a member of the council said yesterday.

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