
Russell Means Calls U.S. Enemy of Indian People

The United States, Christianity, and education in America are the three greatest enemies of the Indian people, Russell Means, former leader of the American Indian Movement (AIM) told an overflow crowed in Science Center A last night.

Speaking as part of the Third Annual Indian Weekend sponsored by the American Indians at Harvard (AIH) and the American Indian Program at the school of education, Means said "The United States practices the most sophisticated genocidal program in the history of mankind."

As part of that program, Means cited forced sterilization and reservations for Indians, which he called "in actuality concentration camps."

"I argue with no man's religion," Means said, but he added that in America, where the teenage suicide rate for Indians is ten times that for whites, the Commandment "Thou Shalt Not Kill" did not have great meaning for Indians.

Education in America, Means said, is the "most sophisticated brainwashing machine ever devised."


Means said young Indians go into college "wanting to work for their people, but four years later they're into the job syndrome," and do not return to their reservations.

Through the efforts of AIM, Means said, American Indians are now able to feel pride and dignity in being Indian, and added, "If that's one thing we've accomplished, that's enough."
