
Quincy Fence

Workers yesterday completed a $6500 wrought-iron fence along the Mt. Auburn St. side of Quincy House which the Faculty financed in order to prevent trespassers from bothering house members, and from destroying the grounds, John E. Cady, assistant director of facilities, said yesterday.

Work began on the fence a week ago, about four years after Quincy House first requested that the fence be erected, Charles W. Dunn, master of Quincy House, said yesterday. The fence was delayed because the plans had to be discussed and approved by three different University offices, he added.

Quincy House first requested the fence when tutors who had street-level offices along Mt. Auburn complained that "ruffians and young Cambridge types" would stand outside the windows of the offices and harrass the tutors, Robin Katcoff, assistant to the master, said yesterday.

"I used to work at my office until late at night and kids would come around, throw garbage at the window and say things to annoy me," Mounira Charrad, a Quincy House tutor, said last night. She added that people also tried to pry the windows open several times.

Quincy House will also now be able to plant ground cover and landscape the area between the building and the street because the fence prevents potential trespassers from entering and destroying the grounds, Dunn said.


"The grass is pretty shabby right now," he added.

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