
Video Program 'Noonhits' To Premiere

Harvard Information Transfer System (HITS), a closed-circuit cable television organization, will begin broadcasting a biweekly program on Harvard-related individuals and events this Tuesday, Edward Miles, the program's producer and director, said yesterday.

"NoonHITS" will be an hour long "magazine format show" with feature stories, interviews and local news, shown every Tuesday and Thursday afternoon at 12:30, Miles said.

HITS will provide the community with interesting stories and useful information about on-campus events, he said, adding it will promote video television as a method of communication.

"We hope the program will show people what we're capable of doing, and make them aware that the Video Production Center is available to anyone who would like to put programs on the air," John Merrill, Miles's assistant, said.



The program, broadcast from the Video Production Center at the School of Public Health, will air at the Science Center, the Medical School and the Holyoke Information Center, Miles said.

NoonHITS will be the broadcast system's first regular video program. A committee of faculty and administrators created HITS in 1969 to tape speakers and lectures, mostly from the Medical School, for showings at Harvard, MIT, UMass, and certain Boston hospitals.

HITS in the past has also presented occasional special feature programs, including spotlights on Harvard history during the Bicentennial.

NoonHITS will be run on "a shoe-string budget," Miles said, and volunteers will be responsible for much of the work.

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The Office of Information Technology (OIT), pays "a small amount" to cover HITS expenses, Alfred A. Pandiscio, associate director for OIT, said last night.

Tuesday's program will include an interview with Marni Zea, one of the founders of Harvard Innings and Outings, an organization that provide recreational activities for the Harvard community.

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