
Authors to Poll Bostonians For Research About The Sixties

The authors of a proposed book on the '60s will conduct a census in downtown Boston on Oct. 19 to find out what people think happened during that decade.

"There are a lot of media myths about the '60s. We want to find out what really happened from the people who lived through it themselves," Rex Weiner, one of the authors, said yesterday.

The poll began a nine-city tour in New York City last month and received an "overwhelming response," Weiner said.

Boston's "long tradition of counter cultural activity" should ensure good participation, Weiner said.



The questionnaires consist of multiple choice and essay questions on subjects including the Beatles, acid rock, beer, LSD, religion, astrology, Vietnam and Woodstock.

"The answers so far have been long, eloquent and sincere, funny, and touching at times," Weiner said.

While the questionnaires have not been analyzed and no conclusions have been reached, they have already destroyed several "media myths", he said.

There are still hippies around, and people are still as politically committed as they were in the '60s, Weiner said, adding he hopes the poll will destroy many other myths.

Eugene Koch, an Economics tutor at Quincy House, said yesterday he was a member of the SDS during the '60s and agrees there are many misconceptions about the decade, but said he doubts if the poll will resolve them.

The authors also want to explain the '60s to the younger generation, Weiner said.

"Today's youth take for granted things that the youth of the '60s had to fight for. They don't understand what went on," Weiner said.

The book will be published in the spring of 1979, ten years after Woodstock. "The date is a convenient coincidence," Weiner said.

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