
News Shorts

All Quiet at B.U. Radio

After several weeks of controversy at Boston University's radio station WBUR that culminated in the resignation of the station's program director, B.U. administration officials say they foresee no further problems.

That station's board of trustees had prevented the station from airing a rebuttal to a speech by President John R. Silber, in which he promoted the idea of education by academic elites, directly after the broadcast of that speech.

Program Director Victor Wheatman said that the board's action, coming after it had overruled a personal decision made by him, constituted an "erosion" of his authority, and he left the station last Friday.

Silber had attacked aspects of the station's programming in a letter calling for "an end to mindless and illiterate chatter," and to the advocacy of "quack psychotherapy," and any form of drug abuse.


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