
Jack Anderson

Newspaper columnist Jack Anderson will lecture on "News Behind the Headlines" at 8:30 p.m. on Tuesday, November 1 in Emerson 205, in a talk sponsored by the Institute of Politics. The lecture will be free and open to the public.

Anderson, a Visting Fellow of the Institute, will spend Tuesday and Wednesday at Harvard, according to a schedule released yesterday.

During his visit here, Anderson will also meet with representatives of the student and local press and dine with undergraduates in House dining halls.

Anderson will participate in a study group on the Washington press corps conducted by Martin F. Nolan, Boston Globe Washington bureau chief, at 4 p.m. on Tuesday in Winthrop House Junior Common Room.

The columnist will lunch with Harvard Law School Political Club members Wednesday in Harkness Commons, and meet with Kennedy School of Government graduate students at 2 p.m. on Wednesday.


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