A meeting Friday between students, University officials, and Peabody Museum representatives failed to resolve the students' demand that Harvard restore evening hours at Tozzer Library.
However, Richard C. Leahy, dean of the Faculty for resources and planning, said Friday he will compile cost estimates for extending the library's hours.
Costs for extending the anthropology library hours include extra lighting and the salaries for guards or work--study students who staff Tozzer. Although several students at the meeting said they are willing to work as volunteers in the library, University regulations do not allow them to.
Nancy Schmidt, librarian of Tozzer, said discussion will continue but no new proposals can be made until Leahy reports on Wednesday. A final decision on the library's hours rests with the director of the Peabody Museum, Carl C. Lambert--Karlovsky, who is in Russia until early next month.
The meeting was a response to a student "study-in' last week in the anthropology library. "Our main objective was to get the library open and we're willing to put up with deprivations, such as less heat or restricted circulations," said Jim Moore, a graduate student in Anthropology, who attended the meeting.
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