
News Shorts

T.V. Appearances

Tom Snyder, the host of NBC's "The Tomorrow Show", will meet with more than 50 representatives from New England college newspapers on his program next Thursday, a member of the program's staff said yesterday.

"The idea is a press conference where each student will hopefully have questions in mind to ask Tom related to the news media," Deborah Vickers, assistant to the staff producer of the show, said yesterday.

The students will sit in bleachers, and "it will be really spontaneous; real free and unstructured," Vickers added.

The guest list will include Crimson editors Richard S. Weisman '78, Editorial Board Chairman; Nicole K. Seligman '78 Managing Editor, and Steven Schorr '78, Executive Editor.

Representatives from the Brown Daily Herald, the Yale Daily News, and the Daily Princetonian will also appear on the show, Vicker said.


Snyder could not be reached for comment yesterday.

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