
Ellsberg Decries Nuclear Arms Race

Daniel Ellsberg '52 told an audience of about 350 people last night at Cambridge High and Latin School to protest nuclear proliferation and the role of the United States in the nuclear arms race. Ellsberg spoke as part of a teach-in sponsored by Mobilization for Survival, a recently formed anti-nuclear group.

Ellsberg lashed out at an American policy that he termed "balance of terror." Invoking the success of student activism in helping to end the Vietnam war. Ellsberg called for a revival of that student spirit.

Ellsberg said "no war in history was ended in the way the war in Vietnam was ended," and he said that a grassroots movement, this time against nuclear power, could once again succeed. The need is just as dramatic today, he said, adding that "we must show that we can't and won't go quietly into the nuclear ovens now being prepared for us."

Sandra Graham, vice-mayor of Cambridge, and Bernard T. Feld, professor of Physics at MIT, also spoke during the teach-in.


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