
The Best and Worst of '77: Should Old Acquaintance Etc.

Cracker Jack

A British playwright once wrote, "The best that can be hoped for from the ending is that sooner or later it will arrive." And that's about all that can be said for the ending of the 1977 sports year--it arrived. It didn't end with fire works or with all of us having a warm, glowing feeling about the 12 months past--it just ended.

It was a year when the hockey, baseball, football and tennis teams all faltered in the eleventh hour (not to mention the Bruins, Celtics, Red Sox and Patriots). So let's just breathe a sigh of relief that 1978 is here, and look back at the good, the bad and the, ugh, unbelievable.

Can you believe...

...that Jim Kubacki, a quarterback and Harvard's all-time leader total offense, scored a touchdown in last January's Shrine Game? a tight end?

......that Harvard's hockey team defeated the eventual national champs, won the Beanpot, and went on to mios the ECAC playoffs for the first time in 11 years when Providence upset B.U. on the last day of the season?


...the way Jack Hughes handles a hockey stick?

...the way George Hughes skates with the skill of JoJo Starbuck, and puts the puck in the net much better?

...that Bill Clearly still won't talk The Crimson?

...that The Crimson still thinks there's a chance he might one of these years?

...that Harvard's baseball team finished 22-7 and still missed the playoffs?

...that freshman Mike Stenhouse hit 4 HR's one weekend and broke season RBI and average records (40, and .475)?

...that Loyal Park allowed only a select group of talented chewers to chew tobacco on the baseball team?

...that a couple of Winthrop House sophomores tried to buy the Red Sox?

...that Denny Doyle tried to play for the Red Sox?

...that Jim Rice missed the first half of a doubleheader during the pennant stretch because a car caught fire in front of him in Sumner Tunnel?

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