
Refs Like Wellesley, But 'Cliffe Polo Still Triumphs

[with deepest apologies to H.W. Longfellow]

Listen up, Harvard, and you shall hear

Of a sporting triumph without peer,

On the fourth of May, in Seventy-six,

In Wellesley, Mass. [i.e.-the sticks],

'Cliffe's polo squad smashed the home folks, so dear.


The score itself, six-four, matters little,

So great was Radcliffe's domination,

That had the referees not favored Wellesley,

Much greater would have been the devastation;

For indeed, throughout the contest,

And I say this in anything but jest,

While battling contacts, and misplaced curls,

And the Wellesley waves which would ebb and whirl,

The 'Cliffies would yell, "The ref likes Wellesley girls."

But this problem, encountered once before,
