
Brown Votes To Continue Input On Choice of President

Despite increasing support for a boycott of the presidential search process, the Brown University Undergraduate Council voted 16-13 last week to continue participating in what a growing minority of members say is a ceremonial student committee with no input in the choice of a new president for Brown.

Opposition to the existing procedure has grown since the Council's initial 21-8 vote on April 18 to participate. Council coordinator Richard D. Peppers said Tuesday that he feels a demonstration by the Brown Third World Coalition on April 27, "might have shocked some people into thinking about it again."

In mid-March Brown chancellor Charles H. Tillinghast disbanded a search committee composed of students, faculty and corporation members and turned the selection decision over to a committee including only corporation members. He formed a seven-member student committee to serve in an advisory role.

Peppers said Wednesday that the new student committee is having no impact.

Council vice-president Steven Owens, who was elected to the advisory committee but advocated a boycott, said at the April 28 council meeting that voting for participation would be "legitimizing an illegitimate process."


He resigned from the advisory committee the next day.
