Ruth Colker '78 was overwhelmingly elected president of the Radcliffe Union of Students (RUS) Tuesday in a large turnout election that reflected an increased interest in the RUS among undergraduate women.
During her campaign, Colker, who succeeds Barbara Norris '77, stressed improved communications with students and administrators as an important RUS goal. She said yesterday she sees the critical issues facing RUS as health care for Radcliffe women, affirmative action, women's athletics, and women's studies.
Last month, RUS, whose members include all undergraduate women in the University, set up a small emergency fund for pregnancies and abortions for Radcliffe students.
Others Elected
Additionally, the organization is part of the University-wide Task Force on Affirmative Action.
Denise Moorehead '77 will serve as vice-president of the RUS next year, Susan Oliver '78 as treasurer and Kathy Zeitlin '79 as secretary. Barbara Norris '77 and Susan Comstock '78 will represent the RUS as delegates to the Radcliffe Governing Board and elections for House and Yard representatives to the RUS legislature will be held next fall.
Colker said yesterday that this year's executive board has been "by far the most active ever," adding that increased subcommittee activity had stirred interest in the organization and helped it serve as an "advocate" for women at Harvard.
All undergraduate women automatically become members of the RUS through the five dollar dues included on their term bills.
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