
Whitlock Names Senior Tutors At Currier, South and Adams

Daniel T. Orlovsky '68 and Richard W. Gula '71 will be the new senior tutors at Currier House and South House respectively, Dean Whitlock announced yesterday.

Gustavus H. Zimmerman III will serve as acting senior tutor at Adams House next spring, Whitlock added.

Whitlock said he expects the University Governing Board to approve the appointments officially within the next week.

Orlovsky will replace Michael S. Horn, coach of the sailing team, who is leaving Currier after three years to teach Arabic at Boston University.

Orlovsky said yesterday that he looks forward to being at Currier. "My main interest is simply helping students--my academic background and the fact that I've been around for a long time should be helpful," he said.


In addition to teaching Expository Writing, a History and Literature tutorial and serving as a non-resident tutor at Eliot House for the last five years, Orlovsky is a research fellow at the Russian Research Center.

Barabara G. Rosenkrantz '44, master of Currier House, said yesterday Orlovsky is "a splendid candidate for senior tutor."

The retirement of Katherine O. Elliott, vice president and associate dean of Radcliffe, created the vacancy at South House. Elliott was the first senior tutor at the House.

Gula, Elliott's successor, is a graduate student in personality psychology who has worked as a senior advisor to freshmen for four years.

Gula said yesterday the most critical duty of a senior tutor is the ability to put students in touch with all the resources at Harvard-Radcliffe with the minimal amount of "red tape."

South House seems "overwhelmingly friendly," he added.

Lawrence L. Besserman, senior tutor at Adams House, will be on leave next spring and Zimmerman will serve as acting senior tutor for one semester.

"My position is an interim one, but I enjoy the people at Adams and I'm looking forward to the job," Zimmerman said last night.

Zimmerman hopes to complete his doctorate in physics next year. He has been affiliated with Adams House for the past five years.

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