
Music Department Creates Lectureship To Supervise Three Choral Societies

The Music Department recently formed a search committee to fill a newly created senior lectureship that will combine the supervision of three of the University's choral groups with a permanent teaching post in the department.

The Collegium Musicum, Radcliffe Choral Society and Harvard Glee Club are not now under one director, but are conducted by two people, neither of whom is tenured.

The contract for the new post will not have a time limit, effectively tenuring the director of choral activities.

The position is going to be formed because the junior lectureship currently held by F. John Adams '66, lecturer on Music and conductor of the Collegium and Glee Club, will expire in June, 1978, Elliot Forbes '40, chairman of the department said Wednesday.

Adams said yesterday that he performs essentially the duties the new senior lecturer will have. He teaches Music 1, "A Survey of Western Music," in addition to his conducting duties.


Adams is a "leading candidate" for the new position, Forbes said.
