
Junior Wins WCOZ Contest Thanks to Help From Friends

With a little help from her friends, Margaret A. Drickamer '77 won a Puch ten-speed bicycle from a Boston radio station Monday night.

Around 9:30 p.m. Monday, Drickamer's telephone rang and a voice at the other end said, "You don't know who I am, but if you call WCOZ within five minutes, you'll win a bike," Drickamer recalled yesterday.

This caller was the first of a frenzied slew of classmates who had heard the announcement on WCOZ and called Drickamer to ensure that she won the booty.

While Drickamer called to the station, several friends tried to get through her busy line. Another searched the Quincy House library, and two others pounded on her door.

After she hung up, calls kept coming. "I left the room after about six calls because I had to work," she said.


The disc jockey who answered Drickamer's victory call was apparently dissatisfied with her reaction to victory, so he asked her to pretend he had just picked up the phone and then scream a lot, while he taped the ersatz yell.

"Oh wow, I won," Drickamer screamed--in take two.

Ironically Drickamer said she had entered the WCOZ contest "by mistake" and already owns a ten-speed bike.

"I addressed the post card while I was tired and spaced out and the radio announcer said to address post cards for the contest to WCOZ. It was going to be a card to England," she explained.

Drickamer said she will either keep or sell the bicycle, but the two record albums that accompanied the prize will go to the caller and new friend--who first told her to ring the station.
