
GSD Forum

News Shorts

Maurice Kilbridge, dean of the Graduate School of Design, gave a prepared response to GSD students last night at Gund Hall on defects in GSD educational policy, his role in trying to correct them, and his qualifications for meeting the responsibilities of his position.

Speaking at the first meeting of the Architectural Students Forum, a weekly series that resulted from a heated meeting two weeks ago between students and the dean, Kilbridge said the school needs better integration between its departments.

He said he had tried to promote intradepartmental service courses in GSD curriculum but had run into resistance in the faculty. Kilbridge said he cannot force departments to offer courses to people from other departments because only department chairmen determine budget allocations.

Responding to questions on his own ability to hire teachers when he does not have a design background, Kilbridge said, "I see no reason why the dean of this school need be a designer," because he said only a third of the faculty and students at the GSD are in architectural design.
