
Cherry Blossoms

News Shorts

City officials said Wednesday that Cambridge will pay nearly $1 million less for the operation of Massachusetts state and regional agencies than they had first estimated.

The good news came to the city when figures released by the state in its annual "cherry sheet" showed a $963,913 difference between this year's payments to the Commonwealth and last year's. As a result, the city's total contribution to the state treasury will be $1.3 million.

A "cherry sheet" shows the difference between the state's payments to the city and the amount of tax revenue the city collects for the state. The statement also itemizes the funds dispersed by the state treasury.

The funds go toward the operation of regional and state government agencies.

City Manager James L. Sullivan yesterday said the city's contribution will be raised through property taxes. The current city property tax rate is $179 on every $1000 of assessed property value.
