More Business School graduates are going to work for large corporations each year "because that's where the bucks are," Roderic C. Hodgins '54, director of career development at the Business School, said last week.
More graduates are going to work for manufacturing and commercial banking firms, at the expense of investment banking and real estate/development, according to the placement report for the class of 1975.
Hodgins said the report documents a four-year trend among Business School graduates. He said one reason why large companies may be more popular is that "smaller corporations tend to pull in their horns in an economic downturn," while larger companies have a better chance of surviving.
Although the number of graduates joining nonprofit firms or working for the government is slowly increasing, they continue to represetnt a small fraction of Business School graduates, Hodgins said.
Donald B. Roberts '70, assistant director of career development, said last week that recent graduates are distributing themselves more evenly among industries. Among those attracting the most graduates are the food and beverage, paper, petroleum, and retail industries.
Roberts said he would surprised if this year's graduating class displayed any large shift from the trend.
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