


To the Editors of The Crimson:

Hating myself for doing this, as losers gain no honor in verbal warfare post facto, I must say that your very partisan reporting did little justice to the great championship basketball game involving Leverett and Eliot Wednesday night (Leverett, 51-46, OT). Quite clearly, the two best house teams of recent years did battle, leaving one somewhat mystified as to where the reporter dug his "It was not supposed to be such a close game" scoop up.

While the histrionics of Mr. Curry et. al. were glorified to the point of making it appear the game was an intramural scrimmage, the fact remains that Eliot missed 15 foul shots. It's true we took the pipe, but to imply we were outclassed...well, discuss it with a Leverett player or two.

It seems to me that the Crimson owes its readers, and the participants in such a campus event, a healthy measure of professionalism. Surely, with this in mind, you'll send a Classics major from North House next time--she could undoubtedly give a better account than your zealous Mr. Gil. Paul Crowley '75-4


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