
Arts Office Polls Qualified Students In Performance

The Office for Arts is currently polling students receiving credit for their work in the performing arts in order to determine how many students are taking advantage of the program and in what fields they are being given credit.

Myra Mayman, coordinator of the office, and Linda Hann, a student at Bryn Mawr College, initiated the survey and gave copies of it to House secretaries this week for distribution to students.

Credit for independent study in voice, piano and more obscure areas such as "drawing flowers in botany" has been granted to qualified students, Hann said yesterday.

Acceptable Program

Students interested in receiving credit for work in the performing arts must draw up an acceptable program of study with a faculty member, Mayman said.


Dance and drama remain largely uncredited. Because the only drama course for which students receive credit is a freshman seminar, students who want credit for involvement in dramatic productions must develop an independent study plan with a member of a department such as English, Music or Visual and Environmental Studies.

This is done independently of the Office for the Arts.

Tamara Mitchell '76 received course credit through the Music Department last semester by submitting a tape of a singing recital and a written report.

Also receiving credit is Andrew Borg '76, whose senior thesis in Visual and Environmental Studies is the creation and choreography of a dance program.
