
Harper's Response

News Shorts

Nelson W. Aldrich, Jr. '57, the author of the Harper's Magazine article "Harvard on the Way Down," received strong criticism from his cousin Alexander Aldrich '50 in a letter released by the University yesterday.

Aldrich said in his letter that "I had so many specific complaints about his statements, conclusions, impressions, and stylistic mannerisms that I was nearly stupified."

The article has "mistaken the problems of private higher education across the country as the problems of Harvard. He singled out one institution and blasted it unthinkingly," the letter added.

Dr. Chase N. Peterson '52, vice president for alumni affairs and development, said yesterday that as a result of the Harper's article he has received "many queries but few criticisms."

"People had a lot of questions, but no one is outraged" because of the article, Peterson said.


Peterson, who released the letter yesterday, added that the highly critical Harper's article would probably have little effect on alumni fundraising efforts.
