


To the Editors of The Crimson

As two seniors who have gained insight and information from The Harvard Crimson for the past four years, we would like to commend you on the consistency of your reporting, especially the investigative reporting. We are constantly amazed at some of the findings that The Crimson so diligently and faithfully reports. Especially exciting is the daily column known as "Corrections."

It is obvious to us that The Crimson is not content to simply bring the news of each day to its readership. Rather, the Crimson apparently continues to check the facts of each story which appears and is not ashamed to bring new-found knowledge, once it has sincerely and innocently defamed the character of the subjects of their stories. The sheer size of the corrections column corroborates this fact. And the consistency of this column points to the fact that each day's paper is not allowed to "rest in peace," rather, it is searched with a fine-toothed comb in order to correct any and all misinformation that anyone with a passing acquaintance with the facts of the story would have been outraged to read. As an example, we cite the case of one Morris K. Udall, who, on the day before the Massachusetts primary, was accused of having voted for the censure of Rep. Michael J. Harrington. A courageous bottom-of-the-last-page correction of this well-meant slur noted that Udall would have had difficulty participating in a House censure vote that never took place. Finally, the integrity of the Crimson reporter is beyond reproach: this is evidenced by the fact that even when stories are shown to be based upon a framework of total fabrication and misinformation, The Crimson invariably "stands by its story."

Furthermore, we truly appreciate the manner in which The Crimson, the fountainhead of virtue and upright moral character, continues to "search out and destroy" such fiendish characters as Dean Robert Kiely.

In order that the student body may take full advantage of these admirable Crimson investigative traits, we have a suggestion. For each subscription to The Crimson, it would be a service to posterity to send the corrections column in a packet of printed stick-on labels, so that each reader could take this newly-found information and attach it to The Crimson of the day before. In this way, those of us that collect and treasure The Harvard Crimson as a memento of our college years, may build their collection into an ever more approximately accurate record of daily events.


Failing this, it would perhaps be a greater service to the Harvard community if The Crimson were printed on double-ply perforated soft paper. Peter R. Saulson '76   Jeffrey Golan '76
