
Two City Groups Probing Shootings Of Three Dogs

Two separate groups are currently investigating an incident Saturday in which two Cambridge policeman allegedly fired shots in the lobby of an apartment building killing an occupant's dog and injuring two others.

A police internal investigation unit and the Cambridge City Council Public Safety Committee are conducting probes of the incident involving officers Lawrence Mector and Juan Sanchez.

Nicholas A. Fratto, Cambridge Chief of Police, appointed Captain Leo Davenport Monday to conduct "a through and complete investigation of the dog shootings," Fratto said yesterday.

Report to Come

"Within a ten-day period of time we will furnish a report relative to the investigation," Davenport said, and added, "If we're unable to do so, we must submit a supplementary report of all the information we have to date."


The city council committee, headed by Councilman Thomas W. Danehy, will hold a public hearing on the incident probably the week of March 22, Cambridge City Councilman Saundra Graham said yesterday.

Ronald Herisko, attorney for Pegi Cunningham, owner of the dogs, said yesterday Cunningham is filing a civil suit against the officers and the City of Cambridge to recover veterinary bills and other "monetary losses" exceeding $1000.

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