Harvard National Model United Nations (HNMUN) is being held in Boston this weekend under a new set of guidelines that were initiated as a result of investigations of the HNMUN last year.
Rolf Goodwin '78, Secretary-General of HMNUN, said yesterday that this year's program is the product of a three-pronged reform which was instituted last spring upon the recommendation of Archie C. Epps III, dean of students.
Goodwin cited new changes in the financial management including the appointment of a comptroller and the reduction of the petty cash fund available for immediate use from $1000 to $50. Authorization for the use of this fund has been extended only to Goodwin and the comptroller.
"I believe that students currently in charge brought about the needed reforms and I look forward to a well-run congress," Epps said yesterday.
Approximately 550 students from 55 American colleges and universities will attend this year's conference.
Goodwin added that the obsolescence of the by-laws of the International Relations Council cripples much reform.
"We can't reform the membership structure without the by-laws, and we can't reform the by-laws without a meeting of two-thirds of the membership," Goodwin said.
Since last spring when several members of the board resigned, it has been difficult to determine the board's active membership, Goodwin added.
Keynote speaker for this year's Model U.N. is Lincoln P. Bloomfield '41, professor of Political Science at MIT. Other speakers for the seminars are John Gibson, of the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy at Tufts, Guido Goldman '59, lecturer on Government, Walter Jones, professor of Political Science at Northeastern University, and Edwin O. Reischauer, University Professor.
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