
A Penny Saved

After a "brainstorming session" last October, Steve Hall proposed 115 cost-cutting hints to the Faculty. Here are a few:

23 Assume risk of loss rather than insuring Fine Arts in Dumbarton Oaks Museum--value $7,978,588--Annual premium and record of losses last 10 years. (Fogg and Peabody do not insure Harvard owned Fine Arts).

36 Food Service Department--Investigate the cost efficiency gain of a "No seconds policy." Harvard is unique in its present position compared to other universities. Also the recent changes making available optional extras (i.e. onions, raisins, peanut butter, raw carrot sticks, etc.) make a change to no seconds more appropriate than in the past.

41 Meetings--Time spent in meetings has increased dramatically. Meeting attendees should be kept to a minimum and meeting time held to shorter crisp sessions.

45 Shut off hot water in rest rooms.


59 Reduction in window washing--If a moratorium was placed on window washing for one year, a net savings of approximately $135,000 could be achieved.

88 Require all Undergraduates not on board to purchase $200 of coupon books per year.

115 Establish a University-wide committee to evaluate new technology.
