


To the Editors of The Crimson:

I would like to make two points concerning the CHUL's most recent vote on housing at Harvard-Radcliffe.

First: The committee's decision to establish a 3:1 male-female ratio at one of the Quad Houses is wholly unfair to the upperclassmen of that House. These students decided, one, or two, or three years ago, to suffer the disadvantages--real or imagined--of Quad life, in order that they may enjoy its one important benefit: a normal distribution of men and women ("Quad Spirit" being but a result of this.) Now they stand to lose this advantage, apres coup.

Second: Last year, 130 rising sophomores protested their assignment to the Quad Houses in so vocal a manner as to have that assignment changed for many. The CHUL decision, we may be confident, will not increase the popularity of the Quad House affected. And so we may expect that this April will be a hectic one at the Housing Office, as perhaps a few hundred students from all classes will raise hell regarding their assignment to, say, a 75 per cent male North House. Pierre Paquette '78   Currier House
