
Charitable Harvard

Harvard's annual United Fund drive has so far exceeded its $175,000 goal by $2000, the director of the Harvard United Way and Other Charities said yesterday.

Once pledges are totaled, the $177,000 figure, which exceeds last year's by $14,000, could climb as high as $190,000, Patricia M. Long said.

Over 2000 staff members and 750 officers contrivuted funds that will go to some 400 different charities. Many of these charities are community-oriented, Long said yesterday.

In the future the fund may solicit donations from students since some students approached the fund drive committee with that idea, Long said.

"The success of this year's fund drive was due to broad organization and good publicity," Long said.


President Bok sent letters to all department heads and deans requesting that they appoint fund soliciters from among their personnel. These soliciters, responsible for groups of 30 people, returned their peers' sealed envelopes to the fund director.

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