
Frosh Weekend Dining


To the Editors of the Crimson:

A matter which concerns many members of the freshman class, but which has received little attention from the Crimson, is that of the weekend House rotation system. At present, freshmen are assigned to eat at three Houses during the year, one of which will be our House next year. As a member of the Freshman Council, I have found that the majority of the freshman class, and in particular, my dorm would like to see the rotation policy switched back to the old system where freshmen eat at all 12 Houses. The Council has complained to various deans, but the reply has always been "Give it more time." The deans and CHUL should realize that, whether or not the new system is better in their eyes, it is not in those of the freshmen, and it should be changed. Perhaps if this issue was given more attention CHUL would reconsider and revert to the old policy. Thank you,   Marc Sobil '80
