
Freshmen Show Interest In Campus Political Life

Freshman Activism From CHUL to...

Freshman year is known to many as a time of endless groping and disillusionment, a time of searching for direction and some sense of what the future might bring.

Not so, however, in the cases of several freshmen who have promised change and action for the Class of 1980 in their election campaigns for representative to the Committee on Houses and Undergraduate Life (CHUL).

With plans for future careers in law and medicine in mind, six freshmen expressed their concern yesterday for improving freshman life here. Suggestions include more T.V. sets in the Union, a revision of the freshman meal plan, and co-ed living in Holworthy, one of the few remaining allmale dorms.

"I always wanted to run for a student government position during my four years at Andover, but everybody there looked down on day students and I felt as though I didn't have a chance to win," Marc Sobil '80, who was a day student at Andover, said yesterday.

Sobil added that he is tired of just complaining and saw CHUL as a way to do something about the problems he sees here.


Sobil, who is considering a career as a politician, added that when he first came here in September he felt a little scattered, "but I consider myself to be pretty outgoing, and by not spending a lot of time sitting around in my room, the year is turning out to be pretty good."

Stephanie C.M. Monaghan '80 felt a little nervous about the elections tonight because her name is too long to include her last name on the first line under her picture in the "Freshman Register." She said yesterday that she is afraid that nobody will know who she is.

A former member of the student advisory committee at Barnstable High, Monaghan said she liked to "know what was going on" and enjoys meeting people, which was why she was running for CHUL representative.

Another candidate, Scott Starbird '80, a former student council president from Houston who is presently a member of the Outing Club, the Freshman Council, a Phillips Brooks House committee and is comping for the Harvard Political Review, said yesterday that he feels something should be done to make Harvard more conducive to socializing
