
Student Voters Break Record

Seventy-five per cent of those eligible to vote in the precinct that includes Harvard Yard and six of the River Houses cast a record 1277 votes yesterday, almost four times the previous record turnout.

The warden of the precinct's poll said yesterday that more than 50 per cent of those who came to the poll at the Cambridge Fire Department Headquarters were students from Harvard or Lesley college.

"This is the heaviest student turnout we have ever had," Marion Pynn, clerk of the precinct poll said yesterday.

One student who was counting ballots at the poll said last night the district went heavily for Jimmy Carter, Senator Edward M. Kennedy '54 (D-Mass.) and Representative Thomas P. O'Neill Jr. (D-Mass.).

The student said that Democratic State Representative Thomas Mahoney "seemed to have done quite well."


The district supported the Equal Rights Amendment, the graduated tax, the handgun ban, and public power referendums. However, the response was "less favorable" to the bottle bill and flat rate referendums, the student said.

"The issues of the campaign brought the good number of young people in this precinct to the polls, but they seemed well-informed and interested in the referendums," the warden said.
