
Football, Soccer Teams Pick Captains

Kaseta, Herold Get the Nod

With their fall sports seasons just concluded, Harvard's football and soccer teams met yesterday to elect captains for next year. The winners were Steve Kaseta and Fred Herold.

The election of Kaseta, one of the "unsung heroes" of Harvard's powerful defensive line, was announced at the Varsity Club by Crimson coach Joe Restic. A loud and lengthy ovation broke out when Restic unravelled jersey number "77" in front of the throng of football players and reporters.

Restic Pleased

"It told me a lot about Steve," Restic said later in the day, referring to the applause. "He is highly respected, and I'm very pleased with the team's choice."

"We often lose sight of the contributions made by the people up front," Restic added, "but that's the area where things happen. He's been a consistent performer all year long, and his quiet kind of leadership will be a great asset."


Accepting the nomination of the team, Kaseta noted that Harvard had "a successful year, one we can look back on and learn from," and added that "next year, I think we can do it all."

Landslide Winner

Herold, the goaltender for this year's beleaguered soccer squad, was an "automatic choice," according to coach George Ford. "He did a remarkable job for us this year, and the vote for him was overwhelming."

"He's enthusiastic, determined and has a good sense of humor," Ford said. "Though we had a bad year, he wasn't to blame. The team couldn't have made a better choice."
