
Only Librarians Have Chosen To Use Harvard's 'Garden' Lot

Only one group has used the Fly Club garden since the University opened it to the Harvard community last September, Archie C. Epps III, dean of students, said yesterday.

The decision to open the garden came last fall after a disclosure that Harvard owned the property that had been used exclusively by Fly Club members.

Social Club

The Library Club, a social club for Harvard library employees, held a cookout on the land in early October.

"The policy's only been in effect a short while. Maybe not enough people are aware of the decision yet," Peter Fuchs '77, vice president of the Fly Club, said yesterday.


"We wanted to experiment a bit and meet in someplace other than libraries," Library Club president David T. Buxton '69, director of Widener circulation, said yesterday.

Buxton said the club wanted a location that was both convenient to members--most of whom live in Cambridge--where beer could be served.

Although "it turned out to be kind of chilly and not too many people showed up," the librarians enjoyed themselves, Buxton said. "We stayed as much on the Harvard-owned side as we could."

He added that the Library Club would like to return to the Fly again in the spring.

"But I don't think I was as polite to them as I should have been," Buxton said. "I should have written them a thank-you letter, but I haven't gotten around to it yet."

Individuals or groups wanting to use the Plympton St. lot must apply to Epps for permission. Epps said he will grant permission to all applicants, as long as their activities do not interfere with Fly Club functions.
