
Fall Exam Takers Rise 30 Per Cent From 1975 Levels

Three hundred and forty-nine students are taking make-up exams this week, 30 per cent more than last year, Marion Belliveau, the University registrar, said yesterday.

Archie C. Epps III, dean of students, said yesterday he is concerned about the increase in make-up exams, which he blamed on stress-related student illnesses.

Dr. Sholem Postel, associate director and chief of medicine at University Health Services, said that more students may be opting to postpone their exams because undergraduates now attach less stigma to taking make-up exams than they have in the past. He added, however, that UHS has not become more lenient in dispensing medical excuses.

One hundred and sixty-six courses offered make-ups on Monday, Wednesday and Friday of this week, 24 per cent more than last year, Belliveau said.

Marshall Pihl, senior tutor of Quincy House, said yesterday that he fears the easy availability of makeups could encourage students to postpone work, resulting in a snowballing of academic troubles in future semesters.


The College currently excuses students from exams for illness or extenuating family circumstances.
