
Andover Races By Yardling Thinclads; Ferrell Wins Race

With one arm tied behind its back, the freshman cross-country team lost a tough meet to Andover, 20-42, at Franklin Park yesterday.

The three top freshmen, Reed Eichner, Thad McNulty and Dan Reluzzi, are now running on the varsity level and were pulled from yesterday's race. The move dramatizes the strength of this year's crop of freshman runners and partly explains the loss to Andover.

Nevertheless, Chuck Ferrell grabbed first place for the Crimson with a time of 16:17. After Ferrell, the situation deteriorated as a well-bunching Andover team took the next six places, followed by Harvard harriers Kevin Kenn, Jack Coggins, Ken Witt, and Doug Riefler.

"We couldn't have missed if we'd had Eichner, McNulty and Reluzzi running today," freshman coach Ed Stowell said yesterday. For those that did run, however, yesterday's "blood and guts race was a good test of their mettle," he said.

Bill McCurdy, varsity cross-country coach, said yesterday he was against running the three freshman in fairness to those who did run. McCurdy said, "Not only did Stowell have Andover to contend with, he had to fight with me" on this point.


Stowell was pleased with his team's performance in the race. "They should be coming alive and breaking loose within the next two weeks," he said yesterday, adding that many of his runners had been plagued with injuries up until now.

Without its top three runners, the team had enough to contend with, but the weather added to its problems. "It was too dry and the team couldn't use the swim strokes they learned last week at the rainy Brown meet," Stowell said.
